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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Channels News Asia cant news for fuck

Channel NewsAsia can't tell the difference between Maple Story, a 2D side-scrolling MMORPG, from Prototype, a 3D third-person shooter.

The news post ("Sale of illegal virtual currencies cause 1,000 Maple Story accounts to be frozen", 26 October) reports that 1,000 Maple Story accounts were banned for participating in real money trade (RMT), the practice of selling virtual currency for real cash.

It's really funny that Prototype should be shown in the news photo, not only because it is NOT the game described in the article, but also because there's nothing to trade in Prototype! Perhaps this reveals the mainstream media's attitude towards gaming: that every game is the same and that they're all bad.

There was also another issue, but one that is not strictly Channel NewsAsia's fault. Google Ads are generated based on the content of the page on which they are displayed. Still, it was rather ironic to have meso (the Maple Story in-game currency) selling services being advertised at the bottom of the article..

copy pastaed from :

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Magic : The Gathering

so recently i just started playing magic.

for the lulz and all, you understand.

so, naturally, i wanted to know whats with the long history.

so i took a look at the alpha - test cards.


so does this mean you take an extra turn or does the opponent lose the game on the next.

oh, and also, for the older cards (like 2000 and below) it is possible to see horrible images drawn with colour pencils as the card image.

such is the most popular card game in the world.


anywayz, apparently, the game is played with life points. same with YGO, i had difficuklty tracking my 20 lifepoints at some points and use this to my advantage =P [hehehe]

anyway, its just a lulzier version of duelmasters, just more complicated and more mindfuck.

theres a card that says,

discard half of opponent's deck.

and it can be played in 4 or 5 turns.

and u can have 4 of that card.

and there are some cards with similiar effects but different names, so u can put those in too.

moral of story ?

old, babyboomer, retro games are weird.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


91 for history?


Thursday, October 22, 2009

In Valve, DoTA is YOU!


to tell you the truth, i was surprised.

I always thought dota was a silly map.
Citation :

Saturday, October 17, 2009

New : Weekly Interviews

Today, i am somewhat lazy to announce that i would be introducing the weekly interviews with several prominent figures.

for today's interview, V is delighted to be here on with me tonight's show.

ID : so i heard you have several identities over the course of your life.

V : VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate, Indeed, i did play several very interesting characters over the course of my career. I am, of course, currently retired, but that may change anytime.

ID : What have you to say about your character played in "V for Vendetta?"

his visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition!

ID : What is your stand on the recent natural disasters that has happened in Indonesia?

The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. We should exact such vengeance on the Earth itself ; Suck it dry!

ID : thank you V for your time.

Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

A new post Entitled "A New Post Episode IV"

Bitch Biker's Groin to the Galaxy

A Long Time Ago, In a galaxy, far, far away....

It wuz a perod ot sivil wur. ruble spakestrips strikin frm a hidon base,
has wun teh frist battel aguinst teh peevil galaxtox emperire.

jooring teh battul, rubble speznatz manag too stolen teh sekrit pluns to the galaxtox emperire big big ultimute wepons, the doofstar, an amored space staton wit enuf powah too destro ant enture plunat.

persued bai teh umpire's sinistur agens, prancess leia races hume aburd hor starshap, cuntodian of teh stulun pluns tat cun saved hur poples n restore freedum too teh galaxoy.

- 9001 entries detected,
Bitch Biker's Groin to the Galaxy

Further Reading :

Star Burst Episode IV : A New BoomZ [Boomz Boomz Powz Edition]

FallOut 3: The Third Rendition of a similar game named Fallout 1. [has Pew Pew inside]

WELL I SAY [2part]

this post is to remove the pirate song.
apparently, after removing the link from the post the ninja pirate was still there

i was cleaning up my hard drive on this fine morn and what do you know,

i found a file that is 2,110 000 kB huge.

thats right folks, 2GB notepad file .

apparently, its a file created by killingfloor after every killingfloor game u play.

i forgot about it until now.

i supposed that is what one gets when

anyway, big lulz all around.
click to enlarge.

Friday, October 9, 2009

so i was going to try out a couple of games

so i decided to come up with a rating meter for lulz.

100 point system, 6 categories.

/20 -------------- Gameplay Factor

- is the game good to play? is it tedious to play?
- are the controls convuluted
- is game challenging, engaging and interesting

/15 --------------- Replayability

- Simply put : can you play the game over and over and over again and not get bored of it.

- is there "random" generation of random content to keep the game going

/10 --------------- Graphics

- are these hastily rendered shaders or a beautiful, meticulous environment

/15 --------------- Content

- Does the game has a stupid storyline or none at all?
- Are there a lot of collectible items you need to find?
- Lots of weapons, items, equipment etc.

/20 --------------- Element of Skill / Lulz Factor

i put a lot of emphasis on this point because i believe games that do not utilise player skill is a retarded button mashing game. you do not improve yourself, nor do you have any actual fun by beating anybody just because you played more than them. (MMORPGs)

- Do you require some sort of a level of skill or is it just a button masher?
- Do you get entertained (lulz) by the game by using your skeelz against others.
- Can the game be easily mastered or hard to master that only a few elite people are winning? [this depends on context]

/10 --------------- Frequent updates and downloadable content

- this is important to keep the playerbase happy and entertained

my next review will be on the game left 4 dead.



Saturday, October 3, 2009

When it gets to the point of not having a point

either come up with one, or stfu.

because spinning a story with no story is absolutely time wasting.

what do people put in books these days.
i've read 4 books which im not going to name that are supposedly good.
plot lines do not make sense. for every 5 sentences there is 4 and a half as filler.

a plot that is understandable and "good" does not make it a !good! plot.

example :

A guy's mother dies so he goes to Antarctica to tame penguins.

Understandable? Yes.
Summarizable? Yes.
Does it makes sense? No.

if u want sci fi, go ahead.

but please, mother fucker, do not.

i repeat.



character A : i is being defeated by "_____".

/Character A has gained some unknown or gay advantage due to circumstance created by the author

character A : WOOT!